Attorney Alexandra Wagner has spent her extensive legal career clearing the path to victory for injured individuals, as well as underfunded and understaffed public agencies, in their steadfast fight against ubiquitous corporate malfeasance borne of greed.

Alex began her career with renowned South-Carolina-based firm Ness Motley (now Motley Rice and Rogers Patrick) in the groundbreaking charge on behalf of the collective State Attorneys General to recoup from cigarette manufacturers the staggering cost of treating sick smokers—a highly challenging and ultimately victorious effort that culminated in a $200+ billion payout from Big Tobacco.  From her days as an associate defending the depositions of C-Suite corporate whistleblowers and NIH-funded physicians, whilst facing an impervious row of well-heeled partners from elite law firms, Alex learned that “outflanked” does not mean “outwitted.”  As a young lawyer sifting through reams of Philip Morris documents in search of smoking guns, Alex also came to recognize that many legal cases are won and lost by the power of the written word.

Areas of Practice

From those beginning years of combatting corporate stonewalling and discovery abuse, Alex has built a highly successful briefing and motions practice, joining forces with law firms across the country who represent both private individuals and public entities seeking legal redress for defective product design & manufacture, defective building construction, pharmaceutical price-gouging, employee mistreatment, and other forms of corporate misconduct.

Wielding a pen as her sword, Alex brings intellect, experience, and skill to work on behalf of Fibich Leebron’s clients at every stage of litigation and beyond.  Through well-crafted arguments firmly rooted in a keen, nuanced understanding of the law, Alex works to defeat defendants’ steady stream of legal filings (procedural and substantive motions in the form of removals, motions to transfer, motions to dismiss/ for summary judgment, etc.), to support the trial team’s courtroom victories, and to ensure that the victories we achieve for our clients are well-positioned to withstand future challenges on appeal.

Community Involvement

Based in Dallas, where she has raised four children and three cats over the past 17 years, Alex has also devoted herself extensively to improving local public education and community life.  To that end, Alex has served on various organizations and committees supporting Highland Park ISD schools, the University Park and Park Cities communities, and the greater Dallas community.  She is also an active parishioner at Church of the Incarnation. In her time off, Alex is apt to be spending time in the great outdoors, hiking, cycling, or practicing yoga.  As a first-generation American and daughter of immigrants, Alex is a passionate supporter of democracy, speaks fluent German, some Spanish, a tiny bit of Russian and French, and loves to travel the world.