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Contact a Human Trafficking Lawyer in Houston Today

For many survivors of human trafficking, the thought of going to court to pursue damages can initially seem overwhelming and possibly confusing. But a skilled Houston human trafficking lawyer from Fibich, Leebron, Copeland & Briggs is here to be your advocate and protect your rights throughout the process.

If you’re ready to explore your legal rights and seek compensation for the harm you’ve suffered, contact our sex trafficking attorney today for a free, confidential consultation.

Are you or is someone close to you a survivor of human trafficking? If so, you are not alone, nor are you powerless. Under Texas law, you have the right to hold the perpetrators responsible in civil court, separate from any criminal prosecution brought by the state.

With a sex trafficking injury case, you can demand accountability and monetary compensation for the unspeakable harm you endured, whether or not those responsible are ever criminally convicted or even charged. But first, you’ll need help from a seasoned attorney ready to challenge those who engage in, profit from, or enable human trafficking.

That’s where the team at Fibich, Leebron, Copeland & Briggs comes in. We are fierce advocates who fight tirelessly for victims of human trafficking. Our experienced sex trafficking lawyers have more than 100 years of collective litigation experience and a proud track record of taking on wrongdoers who facilitate or participate in this heinous crime. We’ve handled thousands of injury cases, including numerous trafficking injury cases, and have won more than $1 billion for our clients in some of Texas’s largest verdicts and settlements.

Let us help you pursue a fair recovery and regain control of your life. When you’re ready, contact our Houston personal injury lawyer for a free case review. You’ll meet with a Houston human trafficking victim lawyer to tell your story and explore your options.

What Is Human Trafficking?

Sex trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery. It is a profound violation of human dignity, freedom, and justice that involves the exploitation of individuals for the purposes of forced labor, sex, and, more recently, involuntary organ donation.

There are four main types of human trafficking:

  • Adult Sex Trafficking – Adults compelled to perform sex acts through force, fraud, or coercion
  • Adult Labor Trafficking – Adults compelled to perform forced labor
  • Child Sex Trafficking – Children under 18 forced into the commercial sex industry
  • Child Labor Trafficking – Children under 18 forced to perform labor

These disgusting practices generate an estimated $150 billion annually in revenue worldwide. In one year, the International Labor Organization estimated there were 40.3 million human trafficking victims across the globe, with women and children representing a significant percentage of those affected.

How Big of a Problem Is Houston Human Trafficking?

Human trafficking is a significant problem in Houston and throughout Texas. It is not limited to border areas, big cities, or rural regions. Some sobering statistics on the matter include the following:

Texas consistently ranks 2nd in the U.S. in calls to the National Human Trafficking Hotline.
In one recent year, the National Human Trafficking Hotline identified 2,108 victims, 701 traffickers, and 399 trafficking businesses in Texas alone.
Also in Texas that year, there were 719 reported sex trafficking cases, 118 labor trafficking cases, 89 sex and labor trafficking cases, and 74 unspecified trafficking cases.
Just a few years later, Texas reported 3,559 calls to the National Human Trafficking Hotline, leading to 987 trafficking reports, including 739 sex trafficking and 116 labor trafficking cases.
One report estimated that human traffickers exploit approximately $600 million from labor trafficking victims in Texas each year.
The reported statistics likely represent only a fraction of actual cases, as many victims do not come forward due to fear or lack of awareness.
As reported by the Center for Public Policy Studies, Interstate I-10 was identified as one of the main routes for human traffickers. Both El Paso and Houston are considered major human trafficking centers.