Defective Baby Products

baby product

Consult a Houston Product Liability Attorney Today

Baby products, cribs, and strollers should not fail, and the normal and customary use of a product should not lead to amputations and major injuries. A child’s injury or death is devastating, and especially when we come to find out a defect was known to a company prior to marketing a product.

A child injury from an unsafe baby product or recalled crib is an emotional time for a family. This is why our Houston personal injury lawyers handle your case with the utmost compassion and understanding, and we provide honest answers about your situation every step of the way.

What are the Responsibilities of Manufacturers?

Baby product manufacturers must uphold safety regulations and meet highly specific and stringent safety standards. Your baby product may have been produced without attention to the prevailing regulations. Manufacturers of baby products have a duty to create and market only products that are deemed to be free from defects.

Work With Our Team of Experienced Houston Injury Lawyers!

Our lawyers have a proud record of helping families recover money damages after seeing their child suffer injury or death because of unsafe products. If you are seeking an attorney, our team is available to you for a free confidential consultation. If a defective baby product injured your child, you may want to consider trying to recover damages for the incident with the help of a Houston defective product lawyer.

Defective baby products can include:

Lots of products may claim to be ‘safe’ baby products, but there seems to be a steady stream of recalls for potentially dangerous products marketed for use by children. While some products may have special designations regarding their safety, others do not comply with the appropriate regulations.

Three of our Houston catastrophic injury lawyers are board-certified, which means they are considered legal experts in their field. Our firm can offer you the exceptional representation you need for success!