Video Game Addiction Lawsuits

video game addiction lawsuit

Video game addiction has recently gained attention as more and more children succumb to the lure of online gaming and the vast array of video games currently available. High-end graphics cards, state-of-the-art hardware, and realistic, immersive environments make playing video games more fun and appealing than ever. Unfortunately, there is a downside to this form of entertainment. Like other forms of media, video games can be potentially addictive, especially for young people. 

At Fibich, Leebron, Copeland & Briggs, we understand how cutting-edge video games impact the adolescent mind. We know how video games can turn into a significant addiction and want to help you determine whether a video game addiction lawsuit may be the best course of action for you and your family. We have several decades of experience leading the charge against corporations who have caused serious harm to their consumers, and we have obtained multi-million dollar results for our clients. Contact us today for a free consultation with our defective product attorneys.

Why Are Video Games Addictive?

People can become addicted to a variety of substances and experiences, from alcohol to cigarettes and gambling. Addiction, no matter its focus, is rooted in the brain. 

Addiction is a chronic brain disorder in which a person compulsively pursues a substance or behavior despite the harmful consequences associated with the substance or behavior. When something pleasurable happens to a person, the brain releases a powerful chemical neurotransmitter called dopamine. Dopamine makes a person feel good. When an activity, like video games, triggers a dopamine release, the individual may continue to engage with the activity repeatedly to get the same dopamine hit. 

Eventually, the need for another dopamine hit causes a person to continue seeking out video games. Compulsive game-playing can harm a person’s health, education, career, and personal life. 

The question remains: can video game developers be held liable for creating addictive products?

Current Lawsuits Against Video Game Companies

There are claims that some video games are intentionally designed to keep individuals playing so they will continue to spend time and money in the video game ecosystem making in-game purchases. To help address video game addiction and hold corporations accountable, some people have filed lawsuits against major gaming companies. 

There are dozens of lawsuits pending, some of which involve top names in the video game industry. Activision Blizzard faced a lawsuit before Microsoft bought it. Microsoft itself and Epic Games are also among those facing lawsuits related to video game addiction. 

Legal Arguments Used in Video Game Addiction Lawsuits

Depending on the nature of the case, there may be several legal avenues for arguing in favor of a meaningful video game addiction settlement or verdict. Some of the legal arguments used in video game lawsuits are based on: 

  • Product liability theory
  • In-game rewards
  • Exploitation of a vulnerability
  • Misleading advertising practices 

An experienced video game addiction attorney can review your situation and determine which argument applies to your specific circumstances and injuries. We can explain whether or not you can join a class action lawsuit against a video game company. Currently, the lawsuits against video game companies have not been consolidated into a class action lawsuit or multidistrict litigation, but these matters are constantly evolving. 

Contact Our Houston Video Game Lawsuit Attorneys to Learn More

Contact our office today if you want more information about how a Houston personal injury attorney can help you file a video game lawsuit. We have decades of legal experience we can use to help you recover the compensation you deserve.