Houston Human Trafficking Lawyer

human trafficking
Tommy Fibich - attorney
Contact a Human Trafficking Lawyer in Houston Today

For many survivors of human trafficking, the thought of going to court to pursue damages can initially seem overwhelming and possibly confusing. But a skilled Houston human trafficking lawyer from Fibich, Leebron, Copeland & Briggs is here to be your advocate and protect your rights throughout the process.

If you’re ready to explore your legal rights and seek compensation for the harm you’ve suffered, contact our sex trafficking attorney today for a free, confidential consultation.

Tommy Fibich - attorney
Contact a Human Trafficking Lawyer in Houston Today

For many survivors of human trafficking, the thought of going to court to pursue damages can initially seem overwhelming and possibly confusing. But a skilled Houston human trafficking lawyer from Fibich, Leebron, Copeland & Briggs is here to be your advocate and protect your rights throughout the process.

If you’re ready to explore your legal rights and seek compensation for the harm you’ve suffered, contact our sex trafficking attorney today for a free, confidential consultation.

Are you or someone you love a survivor of human trafficking? You are not alone or powerless. Texas law allows you to seek justice in civil court, regardless of criminal charges.

A sex trafficking injury case can hold perpetrators accountable and secure compensation for your suffering. To do so, you need a skilled attorney ready to take on those who engage in, profit from, or enable trafficking.

At Fibich, Leebron, Copeland & Briggs, we fight relentlessly for trafficking survivors. With over 100 years of combined experience and $1 billion won for clients, we have a proven track record of challenging wrongdoers.

Let us help you regain control. Contact our Houston human trafficking victim lawyer for a free case review today.

What Is Human Trafficking?

Sex trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery. It is a profound violation of human dignity, freedom, and justice that involves the exploitation of individuals for the purposes of forced labor, sex, and, more recently, involuntary organ donation.

There are four main types of human trafficking:

  • Adult Sex Trafficking – Adults compelled to perform sex acts through force, fraud, or coercion
  • Adult Labor Trafficking – Adults compelled to perform forced labor
  • Child Sex Trafficking – Children under 18 forced into the commercial sex industry
  • Child Labor Trafficking – Children under 18 forced to perform labor

These disgusting practices generate an estimated $150 billion annually in revenue worldwide. In one year, the International Labor Organization estimated there were 40.3 million human trafficking victims across the globe, with women and children representing a significant percentage of those affected.

How Big of a Problem Is Houston Human Trafficking?

Human trafficking is a significant problem in Houston and throughout Texas. It is not limited to border areas, big cities, or rural regions. Some sobering statistics on the matter include the following:

Texas consistently ranks 2nd in the U.S. in calls to the National Human Trafficking Hotline.
In one recent year, the National Human Trafficking Hotline identified 2,108 victims, 701 traffickers, and 399 trafficking businesses in Texas alone.
Also in Texas that year, there were 719 reported sex trafficking cases, 118 labor trafficking cases, 89 sex and labor trafficking cases, and 74 unspecified trafficking cases.
Just a few years later, Texas reported 3,559 calls to the National Human Trafficking Hotline, leading to 987 trafficking reports, including 739 sex trafficking and 116 labor trafficking cases.
One report estimated that human traffickers exploit approximately $600 million from labor trafficking victims in Texas each year.
The reported statistics likely represent only a fraction of actual cases, as many victims do not come forward due to fear or lack of awareness.
As reported by the Center for Public Policy Studies, Interstate I-10 was identified as one of the main routes for human traffickers. Both El Paso and Houston are considered major human trafficking centers.
Human Trafficking

What Industries Are Commonly Involved in Sex Trafficking?

Sex trafficking is tragically prevalent in many different industries, commonly including the following:

Adult entertainment Icon
Adult entertainment
Online services Icon
Online services
Hospitality Icon
Personal care services Icon
Personal care services
Agriculture and fishing Icon
Agriculture and fishing
Construction Icon
Domestic services Icon
Domestic services
Transportation Icon
Food and beverage Icon
Food and beverage
Tourism and sex tourism Icon
Tourism and sex tourism
Modeling and entertainment Icon
Modeling and entertainment
Street commerce Icon
Street commerce
Manufacturing Icon
Health and beauty Icon
Health and beauty
Healthcare services Icon
Healthcare services
Alcohol retail Icon
Alcohol retail
Traveling or direct sales Icon
Traveling or direct sales
Event management Icon
Event management
Pornography Icon
Personal transport services Icon
Personal transport services
Traditional medicine Icon
Traditional medicine
Religious services Icon
Religious services

How a Houston Human Trafficking Attorney Can Help You

At Fibich, Leebron, Copeland & Briggs, we use our vast experience, fierce approach, and considerable resources to help clients who are sex trafficking victims recover the damages they deserve. A Houston human trafficking attorney from our law firm can provide a wide range of professional services to support you throughout the legal process, including the following:

Investigating the circumstances surrounding the trafficking operation Icon
Investigating the circumstances surrounding the trafficking operation
Advising you of your legal rights and sources of recovery Icon
Advising you of your legal rights and sources of recovery
Preparing and filing necessary legal documents on your behalf Icon
Preparing and filing necessary legal documents on your behalf
Gathering evidence to support your case Icon
Gathering evidence to support your case
Interviewing witnesses and gathering testimonies Icon
Interviewing witnesses and gathering testimonies
Negotiating with the opposing party for a fair settlement Icon
Negotiating with the opposing party for a fair settlement
Representing you in court proceedings Icon
Representing you in court proceedings
Protecting your privacy and safety during legal proceedings Icon
Protecting your privacy and safety during legal proceedings
Seeking compensation for your losses, including medical bills and lost income Icon
Seeking compensation for your losses, including medical bills and lost income
Pursuing legal action against all responsible parties Icon
Pursuing legal action against all responsible parties

Who Are the Victims and Perpetrators of Human Trafficking?

Trafficking is indifferent to borders, socioeconomic status, and individual circumstances. However, certain individuals are particularly vulnerable, including the following:

  • Individuals in poverty
  • Homeless youth
  • Runaway teens
  • Migrants or new immigrants
  • Refugees or displaced individuals
  • Victims of domestic or sexual abuse
  • Individuals in foster care or child protective services
  • Those with substance abuse issues
  • People with mental health issues
  • Low-income workers in unregulated industries
  • Women and girls in areas with gender discrimination
  • People with disabilities
  • LGBTQ+ individuals, particularly trans women
  • Individuals in war-torn regions
  • People with a criminal history

On the other side of the equation, perpetrators of human trafficking can be varied, ranging from individuals to large organized groups and often including the following:

  • Pimps and madams in the commercial sex industry
  • Gangs, human smugglers, and organized crime syndicates
  • Employers or small business owners in certain industries
  • Family members, relatives, or intimate partners
  • Corrupt officials or law enforcement personnel
  • Traffickers in conflict zones or areas with a weak rule of law
  • Operators or visitors of websites facilitating online sex trafficking
  • Drug dealers exploiting addicts
  • Individuals or groups exploiting victims of natural disasters or crises

Unlike human smuggling, trafficking does not necessarily involve transportation or movement. Many people are exploited and trafficked in their own homes.

Who Can Be Held Liable for Sex Trafficking?

In a sex trafficking case, liability could extend to numerous parties involved in different facets of the trafficking operation. These parties might include individuals, organizations, businesses, or even government entities.

Potential defendants who could be held accountable for sex trafficking include traffickers who directly engage in recruiting, transporting, or controlling victims for exploitation. Employers who knowingly or negligently benefit from forced labor or services could also be liable. Finally, property owners (such as hotels, motels, and apartment complexes) who knowingly allow their premises to be used for trafficking activities and third-party beneficiaries who financially profit from trafficking operations could be responsible.

What Are Legal Remedies for Human Trafficking Victims?

Survivors of human trafficking in Texas often have several legal remedies available, potentially including the following:

Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act (TVPRA) Lawsuits – This federal law enables victims of forced labor, servitude, or sex trafficking to sue traffickers in federal court.
Alien Tort Claims Act (ATCA) ClaimsThese claims are for foreign nationals who can demonstrate that offenders breached international law or a U.S. treaty. ATCA claims often include allegations of slavery, arbitrary detention, or violence against women.
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Claims – Trafficked workers who do not receive fair wages or overtime pay for their labor could pursue claims under the FLSA.
Personal Injury Lawsuits – In some cases, survivors may file injury cases against their traffickers for things like intentional or negligent infliction of emotional distress, false imprisonment, assault, battery, or fraudulent misrepresentation.
Breach of Contract Lawsuits – In certain scenarios, human labor trafficking victims could have breach of contract lawsuits against their exploiters.

What Compensation Is Recoverable in a Human Trafficking Claim?

In a human trafficking claim, various types of compensation could be available to address the physical, emotional, and financial harm you suffered. For instance, you could recover money for:

  • Medical expenses from trafficking-related physical or psychological injuries
  • The costs of mental health services, counseling, or therapy to aid in the healing process
  • Unpaid wages, lost income, or losses in lifetime earning capacity
  • Intangible losses like pain and suffering, emotional distress, and lost enjoyment of life
  • Reasonable attorney fees and costs related to your trafficking claim
  • The costs of rehabilitation programs, vocational training, or educational services you need to support your reintegration into society
  • Punitive damages, which courts sometimes order at-fault parties to pay their victims as a form of punishment for particularly egregious offenses

How Long Do I Have to File a Human Trafficking Civil Lawsuit in Texas?

In Texas, human trafficking lawsuits are subject to strict legal time limits. The filing window for a lawsuit typically starts on the date the victim becomes aware of the harm they suffered, often the date of their liberation from trafficking. The applicable deadlines can vary significantly, often ranging from several years to a decade or more, depending on factors like the sex trafficking victim’s age and the type of trafficking involved.

Missing one of these filing deadlines could jeopardize your right to hold the perpetrators accountable and recover monetary compensation for your suffering. A skilled Houston human trafficking victim attorney can identify key filing deadlines and handle all case details promptly and accurately on your behalf.

Texas and National Resources and Support for Sex Trafficking Survivors

The following organizations provide support, resources, and services tailored to the needs of sex trafficking survivors in Houston, Texas, and throughout the U.S.: