Baby Carriers Can Cause Hip Dysplasia. Attorney Erin Copeland Discusses Baby Carrier Lawsuits.

The last thing we worry about as parents is whether or not a product we expose our child to will cause them harm. Sadly, families across the country have discovered that the use of certain baby carriers has led to their children developing hip dysplasia, a condition that interferes with a child's ability to walk normally. Some baby carriers are built in such a way that forces children into improper positions and leads to hip and joint damage.

Erin Copeland at Fibich, Leebron, Copeland & Briggs is committed to representing families across the country who have been negatively affected by these defective and dangerous products.

If your child was carried in a baby carrier and is now exhibiting any signs of hip problems, please reach out to our firm today. You can learn more about dangerous baby carriers and their connection with hip dysplasia on our website: