Houston Bicycle Accident Attorneys

bicycle accidents
Tommy Fibich - attorney
Contact a Bicycle Accident Lawyer in Houston Today

A bicycle accident involving a careless motorist can leave you feeling vulnerable and scared. At Fibich, Leebron, Copeland & Briggs, we understand the enormous physical and financial strain a bicycle accident can cause in all areas of your life. With more than 100 years of legal experience, we know the ins and outs of the Houston legal system and aren’t afraid to aggressively negotiate for the money you deserve.

Have you been injured in an accident caused by a careless driver? Protect your rights and contact a compassionate, hard-working bicycle accident lawyer in Houston today. Book a free consultation to learn more about how our Houston bicycle accident litigators may be able to help you.

Tommy Fibich - attorney
Contact a Bicycle Accident Lawyer in Houston Today

A bicycle accident involving a careless motorist can leave you feeling vulnerable and scared. At Fibich, Leebron, Copeland & Briggs, we understand the enormous physical and financial strain a bicycle accident can cause in all areas of your life. With more than 100 years of legal experience, we know the ins and outs of the Houston legal system and aren’t afraid to aggressively negotiate for the money you deserve.

Have you been injured in an accident caused by a careless driver? Protect your rights and contact a compassionate, hard-working bicycle accident lawyer in Houston today. Book a free consultation to learn more about how our Houston bicycle accident litigators may be able to help you.

Cycling in Houston is a popular activity not just for fitness but for transportation as well. The city boasts an extensive network of parks and bike trails for cyclists. Unfortunately, when cyclists share the road with careless motorists, the consequences can be devastating.

A bicycle accident can cause lifelong physical pain and financial strain. At Fibich, Leebron, Copeland & Briggs, our Houston bicycle accident law firm wants to help you recover the compensation you deserve and hold careless motorists accountable for their actions.

Have you been involved in a bike accident caused by a negligent driver? You need compassionate support and legal advice from a knowledgeable legal team. Contact our Houston personal injury lawyer today to book a free consultation to discuss your case. We’ll take the time to listen to you before outlining your legal options for pursuing compensation for your financial losses.

How Common Are Bicycle Accidents in Texas and Houston?

The Texas Department of Transportation recently recorded 2,553 total crashes involving bicyclists in Texas, 67 of which involved cyclists losing their lives. In a recent year, Harris County drivers struck bicycle riders 557 times, causing 23 bicyclist deaths. That’s more cyclist deaths in a single year than in any of the previous nine years. In fact, Houston’s bicycle death rate has nearly doubled in a recent five-year period.

Nationally, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that bicycle rides only make up 1 percent of all trips in the U.S. — but riders account for over 2 percent of people who die in crashes involving motor vehicles. Nearly 1,000 bicyclists die, and 130,000 are injured on U.S. roadways annually.

What Are the Texas Bicycle Laws?

According to the Texas Department of Transportation and Texas law, bicycle riders have the same rights as motorists. That also means riders must follow the same traffic laws and regulations as motorists. Cyclists must use hand signals to communicate with others around them when navigating a turn, and riders must heed all traffic signs and signals.

When available, bicyclists should utilize bike lanes for their safety and always ride with the traffic flow and never against it.

Although helmets save lives, Texas has no law on the books requiring bicycle riders to wear a safety helmet. It is legal for all individuals, even children, to operate a bicycle without a helmet except in specific locations with municipal regulations. Houston is one location that requires children under 14 to wear a safety helmet when biking or riding in a sidecar or carrier attached to a bike.

Common Causes of Bicycle Accidents

Unfortunately, the cause of many bicycle accidents remains careless motorists and unaware bicyclists. Riders and motorists must share the road, and tragedy can unfold when one person fails to follow traffic rules or is distracted.

Some of the most common causes of Houston bicycle accidents include:

  • Drunk driving
  • Distracted driving
  • Driver fatigue
  • Speeding
  • Tailgating
  • Unsafe lane changes
  • Dooring accidents
  • Failure to yield
  • Failure to follow traffic signs and signals

Inclement weather conditions, mechanical defects, and poor visibility also contribute to Houston’s bicycle accidents.

Bicycle Accidents

Common Types of Injuries from Bicycle Accidents

The average non-electric bicycle typically weighs between 20 and 28 pounds, while the average passenger vehicle weighs 3,000 pounds. When cars and bikes collide, the bicyclist bears the brunt of the damage, which often includes potentially life-threatening and catastrophic physical injuries. Some of the most common types of injuries in Houston bicycle accidents can include:

Paralysis Icon
Amputation Icon
Broken bones Icon
Broken bones
Facial injuries Icon
Facial injuries
Internal bleeding Icon
Internal bleeding
Organ damage Icon
Organ damage
Soft tissue damage Icon
Soft tissue damage
Road rash Icon
Road rash
Lacerations Icon
Contusions Icon

What Compensation Can I Recover in a Bicycle Accident Lawsuit?

A bicycle accident can be physically and emotionally devastating. Even worse, attempting to recover compensation for your injuries can also take an emotional and financial toll on you. If a careless motorist hit you, you may be able to recover compensation for your financial losses. Your recoverable compensation can vary depending on the circumstances of your case and the severity of your injuries.

At Fibich, Leebron, Copeland & Briggs, a skilled Houston bicycle accident attorney can thoroughly review the circumstances of your situation and accurately estimate the potential value of your claim. We understand that all cases are unique. However, in general, you may be able to pursue compensation for the following:

Existing and future medical expenses Icon
Existing and future medical expenses
Lost wages Icon
Lost wages
Loss of earning capacity Icon
Loss of earning capacity
Mental anguish Icon
Mental anguish
Pain and suffering Icon
Pain and suffering
Property damage Icon
Property damage

What to Do After a Bike Accident

The steps you must take following a Houston bicycle accident are similar to those you would take after a car crash. First and foremost, call the authorities. If possible, exchange information with the motorist involved, document the scene, and ask witnesses for their contact information.

How you handle yourself and your claim in the subsequent days and weeks after the accident can impact your compensation claim. After a bicycle accident, consider the following measures to protect yourself and maximize your chances of recovering fair compensation.

Seek Medical Attention Immediately

Bicycle accidents can be violent and traumatizing events. Even if you only see a scraped knee following a collision, seek medical attention immediately. Some injuries take time to manifest symptoms, and significant damage may have occurred by the time you recognize something is wrong.

Secondary to your health and well-being, your medical records could strengthen your compensation claim by outlining the severity of your injuries. However, failing to seek medical treatment gives an insurer or opposing attorney room to argue that your injuries are insignificant, which could negate or diminish your claim.

Talk to an Attorney

Protect yourself. Before you offer a recorded statement to an insurer, sign insurance paperwork, or accept an offer, discuss your situation with an experienced and knowledgeable Houston bicycle accident attorney. An attorney can protect your rights and increase your chances of recovering maximum compensation for your injuries.

Follow Through with Medical Treatment

Often, after a significant bicycle accident, one hospital visit is not enough to address your medical needs. Always keep follow-up appointments and follow your doctor’s treatment plan. Doing this protects your health, safety, and the strength of your claim.

Retain Documentation Related to the Accident

Staying organized after a bicycle accident may be hard. Still, you must keep all documentation related to the crash, including medical expenses, repair bills, and out-of-pocket expenses. These documents can help your attorney calculate the fair value of your claim.

Have a Social Media Blackout

You may want to share your experience online and let others know about your condition. However, you should avoid posting about the accident posting on social media platforms altogether until your attorney can resolve your claim. Your words can potentially be used against you by an insurer or opposing attorney.

Start a Pain Journal

It can be challenging to cope with the everyday struggles associated with an extensive Houston bicycle accident. Consider starting a pain journal to document your recovery. Many people find writing in a journal therapeutic during their recovery, and your entries could potentially help your compensation claim.

How Long Do I Have to File a Bicycle Accident Lawsuit?

In some situations, filing a personal injury lawsuit against an insurer or at-fault individual may be necessary to recover maximum compensation for your injuries. However, Texas limits your time to file a lawsuit seeking compensation. Texas’s statute of limitations for personal injury lawsuits allows two years from the bicycle accident date for you or an attorney to file a lawsuit against the at-fault party. Filing after the deadline passes means you risk the court dismissing your case. If this happens, you would potentially lose your leverage and legal options for pursuing maximum compensation.

What if I’m Partly to Blame for a Bicycle Accident?

Texas subscribes to a modified comparative negligence system regarding personal injury lawsuits, such as a bicycle accident claim. Under a modified comparative negligence system, your compensation can be diminished based on your responsibility for causing the collision. Bicyclists cannot recover compensation if their share of responsibility for the accident exceeds 50 percent.

An experienced Houston bicycle accident lawyer will fight to build a compelling case based on evidence that offers you the best chance at recovering maximum compensation for your financial losses.

Why You Need a Houston Bicycle Accident Attorney

Bicycle accidents are not like other types of motor vehicle accidents. Injuries tend to be more severe, and unraveling who is at fault for the accident can be complicated. Many injured riders who attempt to navigate the claim process alone find it overwhelming and intimidating. Can you trust that the careless driver’s insurance company will offer you the compensation you need to cover today’s medical expenses, let alone tomorrow’s? Depending on your injuries, you may need treatment for months or even years.

A Houston bicycle accident lawyer is your advocate. At Fibich, Leebron, Copeland & Briggs, we understand how to build a compelling claim for compensation and how to counter major insurance companies’ common tactics for lowering payouts. Our legal team has recovered over $1 billion for clients. Our board-certified civil trial lawyers and personal injury trial lawyers are prepared to help you manage even the most complicated bicycle accident claim.