Houston Brain Injury Lawyer – Get Maximum Compensation for Your TBI

traumatic brain injuries
Tommy Fibich - attorney
Contact a Houston Brain Injury Lawyer Today for a Free Consultation

You deserve to seek compensation and accountability if you or a loved one suffered a traumatic brain injury in an accident that was someone else’s fault. The seasoned TBI lawyers at Fibich, Leebron, Copeland & Briggs can advocate for your rights and interests.

Our powerhouse team is ready to handle every aspect of your TBI case while you focus on healing. Contact our Houston catastrophic injury lawyer now for a free consultation.

Tommy Fibich - attorney
Contact a Houston Brain Injury Lawyer Today for a Free Consultation

You deserve to seek compensation and accountability if you or a loved one suffered a traumatic brain injury in an accident that was someone else’s fault. The seasoned TBI lawyers at Fibich, Leebron, Copeland & Briggs can advocate for your rights and interests.

Our powerhouse team is ready to handle every aspect of your TBI case while you focus on healing. Contact our Houston catastrophic injury lawyer now for a free consultation.

Did you or someone close to you suffer a traumatic brain injury (TBI) in an accident or another harmful incident? If so, you might feel overwhelmed and uncertain about your future, especially if you’re staring down a growing pile of medical bills and struggling financially due to lost income.

If another party’s wrongful actions or inaction contributed to your injury, you could be entitled to pursue compensation for your TBI-related losses through a claim or lawsuit. However, obtaining the money you deserve could be challenging, as TBI claims are complex and require a deep understanding of the law.

That’s where Fibich, Leebron, Copeland & Briggs can help. Founded in 1992, our firm has a dedicated team with over 100 years of combined legal experience in personal injury. We’ve successfully handled thousands of cases and recovered more than $1 billion for our clients. We have the resources and skills to stand up to insurance companies that try to deny or minimize claims from injury victims. Our firm is committed to helping clients pursue the maximum compensation for their injuries so that they can move forward with their lives.

Contact Fibich, Leebron, Copeland & Briggs today for a free consultation with a Houston traumatic brain injury attorney. Let us put our experience and dedication to work for you.

Common Types of Brain Injuries

A traumatic brain injury can range from mild to severe, resulting in various symptoms. Some of the most common types of brain injuries include the following:

Concussions – This is one of the most common types of TBI. Concussions occur when a blow to the head or a sudden movement causes damage to the brain inside the skull.
Contusions – A contusion is essentially a bruise on the brain caused by an impact to the head. It can lead to swelling, issues with coordination or complex tasks, and even changes in personality.
Coup-Contrecoup Injuries – This type of injury occurs when the force of a sharp blow causes the brain to strike the opposite side of the skull. This results in damage at the site of impact (coup) and on the opposite side of the brain (contrecoup), leaving contusions on both sides.
Diffuse Axonal Injuries – This type of injury involves tearing the nerve fibers (axons) that connect the brain’s two hemispheres, usually due to violent rotation or shaking of the head.
Penetrating Head Injuries – These injuries occur when a bone fragment or another object penetrates the skull and enters the brain, causing severe, potentially life-threatening damage.
Hematomas – A hematoma is a collection or clot of blood outside the blood vessels. It can occur in different regions of the brain and can be fatal depending on its size and location.
Hypoxic Brain Injuries – Hypoxic brain injuries occur when the brain does not receive enough oxygen, possibly leading to cognitive impairments and lost motor function without prompt care.
Anoxic Brain Injuries – These injuries occur when the brain is deprived of oxygen. Brain cells can die within minutes without oxygen, leading to permanent brain damage.
Traumatic Brain Injuries Section Image

Leading Causes of Brain Injuries in Houston

An injury such as a severe blow or jolt to the head could manifest itself as a traumatic brain injury. Many TBIs are linked to activities or circumstances that involve the risk of falls, collisions, or blunt-force impacts to the head. Some common causes of brain injuries include the following:

Boating accidents Icon
Boating accidents
Aviation accidents Icon
Aviation accidents
Train accidents Icon
Train accidents
Farming and ranching accidents Icon
Farming and ranching accidents
Rodeo accidents Icon
Rodeo accidents
Falls from heights Icon
Falls from heights
Drowning accidents Icon
Drowning accidents
Sports and recreation accidents Icon
Sports and recreation accidents
Physical assaults Icon
Physical assaults
Domestic violence Icon
Domestic violence
Child abuse Icon
Child abuse
Gunshot wounds Icon
Gunshot wounds
Military combat Icon
Military combat
Animal attacks Icon
Animal attacks

Treatment Options for a Brain Injury

The treatment for a TBI is highly individualized and typically involves a combination of therapies and rehabilitation programs. The following are common treatments for traumatic brain injury:

Emergency medical care Icon
Emergency medical care
Prescription medications Icon
Prescription medications
Surgical treatments Icon
Surgical treatments
Rehabilitation therapies Icon
Rehabilitation therapies
Physical therapies Icon
Physical therapies
Occupational therapies Icon
Occupational therapies
Speech and language therapies Icon
Speech and language therapies
Cognitive therapies Icon
Cognitive therapies
Vision therapies Icon
Vision therapies
Neurological monitoring Icon
Neurological monitoring
Assistive mobility equipment Icon
Assistive mobility equipment
Assistive communication devices Icon
Assistive communication devices
Psychological counseling Icon
Psychological counseling
Behavioral therapies Icon
Behavioral therapies
Vocational rehabilitation services Icon
Vocational rehabilitation services
Home health care Icon
Home health care
Complementary and alternative therapies Icon
Complementary and alternative therapies
Nutritional therapies Icon
Nutritional therapies
Sleep management services Icon
Sleep management services

Symptoms of a Traumatic Brain Injury

TBIs can result in a wide range of symptoms, which vary considerably in intensity and duration. They are broadly classified into three categories based on the severity of the TBI in question:

Mild TBI Symptoms

  • Brief loss of consciousness
  • Headache
  • Confusion
  • Dizziness
  • Lightheadedness
  • Blurred vision or tired eyes
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Unpleasant taste in the mouth
  • Fatigue or lethargy
  • Changes in sleep patterns
  • Behavioral or mood changes
  • Trouble with memory or concentration

Moderate TBI Symptoms

  • Persistent headache or a headache that worsens
  • Repeated vomiting or nausea
  • Seizures
  • Dilation of one or both pupils
  • Slurred speech
  • Weakness or numbness in the extremities
  • Loss of coordination
  • Increased confusion, restlessness, or agitation

Severe TBI Symptoms

  • Extended periods of unconsciousness or coma
  • Profound confusion
  • Agitation, combativeness, or other unusual behavior
  • Partial or total paralysis
  • Persistent vegetative state

Long-Term Impacts of a Brain Injury

Experiencing a traumatic brain injury (TBI) can be life-altering, with immediate and long-lasting impacts. When the injury is severe, it can significantly affect your cognitive abilities, behavior, physical health, and overall quality of life. The long-term effects of a TBI can vary dramatically depending on which part of the brain is affected and the severity of the damage.

For example, damage to the frontal lobe can hinder reasoning, problem-solving, and impulse control, potentially facilitating risky or inappropriate behaviors. Trauma to the left side of the brain can impair speech and logic, while injury to the right side often affects visual processing.

In severe cases, the long-term consequences of a TBI can include the following chronic conditions:

  • Memory loss
  • Headaches
  • Seizures
  • Visual changes
  • Sleep trouble
  • Fatigue
  • Paralysis
  • Balance issues
  • Reduced language skills
  • Mood swings

Some of these issues might not manifest for days, weeks, or even months after the initial injury, but they can still be permanent. These chronic conditions can contribute to difficulties with learning, decision-making, communicating, and interacting socially. Moreover, TBI has been linked to an increased risk of degenerative brain diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s and detrimental effects on childhood development among affected minors.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports 50 percent of TBI patients experience significant quality of life reductions following their injuries, with 57 percent developing a moderate or severe disability that prevents them from returning to work. The long-term financial consequences of TBIs can be devastating, compounding the physical and psychological strain accompanying them.

Compensation You Can Recover for a Brain Injury Claim

If you or someone you love has suffered a traumatic brain injury due to another party’s wrongdoing, you could be entitled to money for a range of personal and financial losses, such as:

  • Medical expenses
  • Future medical costs
  • Rehabilitation expenses
  • Lost income
  • Lost future earnings
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Loss of consortium
  • Lost enjoyment of life
  • Wrongful death

How Long Do I Have to File a Traumatic Brain Injury Lawsuit in Texas?

In Texas, the standard time limit for filing a personal injury lawsuit, including cases related to traumatic brain injury, is two years. This means you have a two-year window from the date of your traumatic brain injury to bring your case to court. Once this deadline passes, you typically lose the right to sue, regardless of the merits of your underlying case.

However, this timeframe could vary in certain circumstances, so you might have less than two years to act, depending on the specifics of your case. Additionally, the two-year limit does not apply to insurance claims, which often have their own, typically much more stringent, deadlines.

Given the significant implications of missing these deadlines, it’s wise to consult a knowledgeable TBI attorney as soon as possible following your injury. A traumatic brain injury lawyer in Houston can provide detailed advice tailored to your situation and help protect your rights.

How Our Houston Brain Injury Attorneys Can Help

Dealing with the repercussions of head trauma can be a demanding task. When you hire an experienced Houston traumatic brain injury lawyer, you choose an advocate who can handle the legal details, allowing you to concentrate on your health.

A Houston catastrophic injury lawyer from Fibich, Leebron, Copeland & Briggs can help you in various ways, including by:

  • Investigating the circumstances surrounding the TBI to identify liable parties and helpful evidence
  • Evaluating the specifics of your case to determine all possible sources of recovery for your losses
  • Consulting medical professionals to understand the full extent and likely consequences of the TBI
  • Engaging expert witnesses such as accident reconstruction specialists to strengthen your traumatic brain injury case
  • Handling complex insurance procedures and interacting with insurance providers on your behalf
  • Preparing and filing necessary case documents in line with relevant timelines and requirements
  • Educating you on your rights and legal options so you can make informed decisions at each stage
  • Negotiating aggressively with the other side or their insurance company for a fair settlement
  • Presenting compelling arguments in court if a satisfactory out-of-court settlement isn’t possible