Britney Spears Was Forced to Keep an Intrauterine Device Against Her Will

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Britney Spears’ IUD and Conservatorship Battle

Pop Star Britney Spears was recently allowed to speak on her behalf in court proceedings involving her conservatorship. She revealed to the world that she was not allowed to have a baby because she has an IUD birth control device against her will. She was quoted as saying:

“I’m not able to get married or have a baby, I have a (IUD) inside of myself right now so I don’t get pregnant. I wanted to take the (IUD) out so I could start trying to have another baby. But this so-called team won’t let me go to the doctor to take it out because they don’t want me to have children – any more children.”

The Public Speaks Out

Following this she received an outpouring of support through social media, stating that she should be allowed bodily autonomy and the freedom of choice.

Even the president of Planned Parenthood, America’s leading reproductive health care provider, Alex McGill Johnson showed their support by tweeting  “We stand in solidarity with Britney and all women who face reproductive coercion,” she said on Twitter.

The recent events have brought many women’s issues to light, and for many have brought up concerns over the ethics of this forced reproductive prohibition through the court-ordered conservatorship over the beloved princess of pop, in addition to the safety of IUDs.

What is an IUD?

IUD stands for Intrauterine Device. This is a small T-shaped device used for birth control which is placed through the cervix and into a woman’s uterus which prevents pregnancy for a high percentage of women. There are many different types of IUD, and some which work in different ways. While Britney did not specifically mention which IUD she is being made to keep, the question begs to be asked – is it safe?

IUDs Can Be Dangerous

Attorney Erin K. Copeland of Fibich, Leebron, Copeland & Briggs in Houston, Texas, was named co-lead counsel in a multidistrict litigation against the manufacturers of the Paragard® IUD. The Paragard® IUD is the only non-hormonal IUD on the market and prevents pregnancy through the use of a copper coil wrapped around the t-shaped device.

Many women have experienced breakage of the arms of the t-shaped IUD, either before or during its removal, which can result in significant injuries. Occasionally, the IUD can migrate or become embedded in the uterus, precipitating the need for surgical intervention or hysterectomy for some women, causing serious harm, and leaving them without the ability to have children.

Erin Copeland Protects Women Harmed by Paragard® IUD – Call if you need help

Erin K. Copeland is a fierce advocate for women’s rights and recently helped to secure a 1.6 billion dollar settlement against Bayer, the manufacturers of the Essure® contraceptive. While it is our hope that justice prevails in the case of Britney, if you or someone you know has been injured by a Paragard® IUD, please contact our attorneys today to see how we can help you.

Our firm has over 100 years of experience and our nationally recognized trial lawyers know what it takes to win. Call today for a free consultation (713) 751-0025.

At Fibich, Leebron, Copeland & Briggs, we draw from over a century of combined legal know-how and expertise. With the tenacity to win and the resources to get us there, our lawyers provide strong representation for injured victims and their families.