Author: Fibich Leebron Copeland & Briggs

clanking beers

Understanding Your Rights Under the Texas Dram Shop Act Texas law imposes liability on a bar, restaurant, or another licensed provider of alcohol if they over-serve a patron and that patron causes an accident. Often referred to as a dram shop law, it can be difficult to prove liability without the help of an experienced…


At Least a Dozen Lawsuits Filed Against Guardrail Manufacturer The exact number of serious accidents that can be linked to the ET-Plus Guardrail is unclear, but it may be in the hundreds. Nearly all states have banned the installation of the allegedly defective guardrail for fear that modifications made to its design made it more…

oil rig in ocean

Houston is a bustling hub of commerce and commercial activity, which is great for the region and for the many people who benefit from a healthy job market. Because much of this rich business environment is hinged on heavy industry, however, jobs in the Houston area can be dangerous. In fact, Houston sees thousands of…

car accident

Your Rights and Responsibilities If You Are Injured in a Rental Car Accident Being involved in a car accident can be frustrating and overwhelming. It can be even more nerve-racking if you are driving a rental car at the time of the collision. If you are injured in a car wreck involving a rental car,…

grocery store

Accidents That Resulted in Serious Injury or Death at Harris County Stores Few people expect to get seriously injured or killed while shopping for groceries. Tragically, serious accidents and injuries occur each year at Houston grocery stores. In some cases, these accidents are preventable caused by the negligence or recklessness of the grocer. If you…

calling insurance

Protecting Your Right to Recovery After a Car Accident After a car accident, the other driver’s insurance adjuster may contact you. You might also have the opportunity to file a claim with your own insurance company. However, we strongly recommend that you consult with an attorney before speaking with an insurance representative and before making…

city traffic aerial view

Motor Vehicle Accident Deaths Increased Nearly 7% Over Previous Year Preliminary data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration shows that deaths related to motor vehicle accidents in the first quarter of this year marked the highest since 2002. The devastating statistic shows just how dangerous American roadways are and how many people lose their…

building destroyed by fire

Understanding Your Rights After Fire Damage There are few things more destructive than fire. In a matter of moments, your property can vanish. A fire can engulf a car or home in minutes, leaving little time for you to gather your possessions. Fire damage is costly, and without an attorney to help you through the…

tall stairway

Dedicated Premises Liability Representation in Houston, TX If you were injured on someone else’s property, you might be entitled to compensation through a premises liability claim. It is important to know that premises liability claims can be difficult to prove without the help of an attorney. It is strongly recommended that you contact an attorney…

suing for sexual assault

Obtaining Compensation as a Sexual Assault Survivor Hundreds of thousands of women, men, and children are sexually assaulted or abused each year. Sexual assault is pervasive, infiltrating our schools, churches, and workplaces. A person who is sexually abused can be impacted for a lifetime; suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, physical injuries, and emotional trauma. Sexual…